
School Library

In all three divisions, students are encouraged to use library and technology resources to discover new approaches to problems, to develop global awareness and empathy.

In all three divisions, students are encouraged to use library and technology resources to discover new approaches to problems, to develop global awareness and empathy.

Library Hours

The library is open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The Lower School library’s 13,000 books are accessible.

Students visit each week to check out books, hear stories, and participate in book talks. They also use the library to conduct research projects and create reports.

The Middle School library is a busy place.

At all times our students are expected to take on leadership roles both within and outside of the classroom, and to make responsible choices.

For all our Students
our goal is to make
best Education

Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team coordinates with all members of our community to better engage in these principles. We see ethical foundation of our community.

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